PHOTO TOURS – Life Style
- Lots of guests means plenny slippah
- Pulehu (grilled) chicken on the menu
- Three sisters practice hula in the park
- Boys fishing at the old Kamalo Wharf
- Haka moa (Chicken Fight) at annual Ka Maka Hiki games in January
- Outriggers finish Maui to Molokai race
- Years of practice are required to be successful with a throw net
- The Pa’u (riding dress) of this lovely rider evokes memories of the 1800s
- A heavy equipment truck is brightly lit for the annual Christmas Light Parade
Copyright Information
Images on this site were contributed by Molokai residents Richard A. Cooke III, Dewitt Jones, Adrienne Jumper, Jeffrey Jumper, Maria Holmes, Vicki Underwood, Taryn Waros, Catherine Buchanan, Jenny Patten & Susan Forsberg. All Images are protected by US and international copyright laws. Don’t Take’m!